Nomination for Tsugi ni Kuru Manga 2019

First of all, thank you for coming to this blog post to support Mashiro-sensei's My Lv999 Love For Yamada-kun! 💗 Your vote will be counted as a nomination vote for Tsugi ni Kuru Manga Award. For questions or concerns, please comment on this blog post. Without further ado, the following are the instructions for voting:

1. Go to

2. You'll see the page below then click Webマンガ部門にエントリーする (lower right corner's blue box). It means "entry for web manga."

3. You will be asked to log in through different options. But for me, I chose google account. The next pages will be in English so I'm leaving it up to you.

4. The next page that will be in Japanese is this. Just click the blue button (登録完了して、サイトに戻る). It means "registration is complete, go back to website."

4. I don't know for those who chose other options to log in but a confirmation link was sent to my email. Click the link given to verify your registration.

5. A page like this will appear. Scroll down to start voting for My Lv999 Love for Yamada-kun.

6. Translation: Q1. Please write your nominated manga for Tsugi ni Kuru. 
To answer this one, just copy-paste this: 山田くんとLv999の恋をする. This is the original title of the manga.

7. Translation: Q2. Please write your reason for choosing the manga you wrote in Q1, your comments to support etc.
There's a lot of answers for this. You can choose from the ones I'll give, I can customize one for you if you want (just comment here on my blog post) or just type it in English.

ゲーマーとしてこのマンガわかります! (I can relate to this manga as a gamer!)

少女マンガ好きですけどこのマンガは最高です!(I like shoujo manga but this one's the best!)

このマンガ色々な人にもっと紹介したいです。大好きです!(I want more people to know about this manga because I love it!)

山田くんはイケメンだし。茜はおもしろいし。このマンガ選ばれない理由なんてないんです!(Yamada-kun is cool and Akane is funny. There's no reason not to choose this manga!)

最近このマンガにはまってて毎話を楽しみです!(Lately, I'm hooked into this manga and I look forward to every chapter!)

このマンガ生まれてましろ先生に感謝しています!(I'm grateful to Mashiro-sensei for making this manga!)

8. Translation: Q3. Please provide your nickname. (Required). *The answers you shared might posted publicly so we are asking you to provide a nickname. If you do not wish to provide one, please write 匿名希望 (anonymous).
You can write any nickname or if you don't want to think about it just copy-paste this: 匿名希望.

9. Lastly, submit your vote. A confirmation page will appear, just click the button and your done!

Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please comment! Thank you very much!


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